Snow Day

Monday, January 11, 2010

It was a tough week last week. The cold, wintery weather kept us confined at home, staying in jammies, dragging out every toy from every nook and cranny, pestering siblings, and testing my patience. Each day seemed an endless routine of change a diaper, make a meal, pick up a toy—highlighting how repetitive and really mindnumbing being a stay-at-home mom can be.

Finally I had had enough. Choosing to ignore how cold it was, on Friday afternoon I bundled up and wrangled kids into snowsuits and mittens and we all trudged outside into the snow.

And I got to witness Henry and Eleanor’s very first snow angels.

And I got to pull them down the street in a sled, to cries of “More, Mommy! More!”

And I got to see a simple act like shoveling snow get treated like the best activity EVER.

And I got to hear Henry’s giggle as he reached his mitten up in the air to catch the falling snow. “Look Mom! A SNOWFLAKE! Take a picture!”

And I was reminded why becoming a stay-at-home mom was the best decision I’ve ever made.

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