Grandma and Grandpa in Indy

Saturday, June 13, 2009

In keeping with my recent habit of telling you about my weekend the following weekend, let me tell you about the fun we had last weekend with Grandma and Grandpa.

Andy’s parents passed through on their way to the lake for the summer, and spent a weekend at our house spoiling the grandchildren, to the delight of Henry and Eleanor. On Friday night we had an enjoyable evening at the local Mexican restaurant. Our table of music lovers danced to mariachis, Grandma had her first-ever margarita, and Eleanor seriously ate so much that at one point she was picking up individual grains of rice off her plate while completely ignoring the six-piece band performing right next to our table.

Saturday morning brought us to the park, where Henry and Eleanor swung and swung and swung and swung, and showed off on the slides for Grandma and Grandpa. We spent the afternoon playing outside, breaking out the new soccer goal that Grandma and Grandpa had given the kids for their birthday. A baby possum interrupted the game, meandering across the driveway, while our dog lounged nearby, completely oblivious. We were joined for supper by Uncle Richard, Aunt Donna, and cousins Dustin and Marcy, and had a summer feast of burgers on the grill, “real” corn from the farm, and fresh-picked strawberries with homemade pound cake.

On Sunday morning Grandma and Grandpa continued their journey on to the lake, where we’ll hopefully join them for a few weeks this summer. But enough words! More pictures!


the baby possum narrowly avoids the clutches of our vicious hunter

If you know my dear father-in-law, and his complete disinterest in sports, then you will realize that this might be the greatest photo I will ever post to this blog.


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